
Vineyards in Spring

Vineyards in Spring

The Umbrian countryside is at its peak beauty in spring, where you’ll find garlands of flowers and green valleys with a mild climate everywhere. The days lengthen, become sunnier, and the landscapes begin to be tinged with new tones and lights.

Walking among the vineyards is like witnessing an awakening. Just a few light rains and the warmth of the spring sun are enough to make the branches grow centimeters each day.

The rows of vines thicken, and the leaves take on an intense green hue. The sap awakens and begins to flow, bringing vigor to the plant. It oozes from the buds, setting the vine on the path to producing future shoots and ripening its fruits.

Buds begin to sprout along the cordons, small, green, and pink, before turning into leaves.

They lengthen, become branches, and multiply, until among the folds, you can see small, tender pyramids that will become juicy clusters. Life begins again, and nature silently reveals itself, continuing in an incessant and vital cycle that fills us with wonder, marvel, and lessons.

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